RF Broadband High Power Amplifiers KB0810M53A
Model no. : KB0810M53A
KeyLink's rf broadband power amplifier KB0810M53A is operating between 800 - 1000MHz with output power 200W. Our rf broadband amplifiers can cover frequencies from 1 MHz to 18 GHz and output power up to over 500W.
Start : 800 Mhz
Stop : 1000 Mhz
Pout : 200 Watt
Gain : 53 dB
Voltage : 28 v
Current : 25 Amp
Mode : CW
Size : 200x150x25 mm
KeyLink's broadband high power amplifiers are available for operating frequencies from 1 MHz to 18 GHz. Power levels for octave and multi-octave designs range from 2 watts to over 500 watts. Based on state-of-the-art GaN, GaAs, LDMOS power devices and MMICs, KeyLink designs and manufactures SSPA(solid state power amplifiers ) with excellent performance in terms of high efficiency over ultra-wide working band, high reliability and ruggedness.
Features of KeyLink's high power amplifiers make them suitable for a variety of application fields including jamming, communication, test and radar systems where smaller size, less power consuming, cooling, high output power are required.